We are Justabout your investments.
No two clients are exactly alike, so we believe it is important to customize investment management to their needs. We create diversified portfolios for our clients based on their time frames, income needs, and risk tolerance. These portfolios may contain individual securities (stocks and/or bonds), exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds, money market instruments, and more, depending on the specific needs of the client. We allocate client portfolios into equities, bonds, real estate / alternatives, and cash. Some clients take on a great deal of risk, while others choose to be more conservative.
On the equity side, we diversify based on size of company (large, mid-sized and small companies), geography (US, developed international markets, and developing markets), industry, and growth vs. value. On the bond side, diversification is achieved by examining credit quality and duration of the bonds, as well as geography, industry, type of entity issuing the bonds (corporation, government entity, etc.) and yield. We also add money markets, real estate, alternatives, and/or hedge funds, when appropriate.